About Grizzly Bears

Learn about Grizzly Bears:

GRIZZLY BEAR (Ursus arctos horribilis)
(From the National Park's Conservation Association Website)

Despite its large size, the grizzly can reach speeds of 35 to 40 miles per hour.

Grizzly BearStatus: Threatened

Population: Approximately 850 bears exist in the lower 48 states.

Threats: Threats to the survival of the grizzly bear include habitat destruction caused by logging, mining and human development and illegal poaching (illegal killings).

Survival: Grizzlies can live up to 30 years in the wild.

   The grizzly's distinctive features include humped shoulders, a long snout, long curved claws and a grayish, silvery back. They can weigh anywhere from 350 to 800 pounds and reach a shoulder height of 4.5 feet when on all fours. Standing on its hind legs, a grizzly can reach up to 8 feet.

A grizzly in Yellowstone National Park needs your help. grizzly cartoonPlay the Bear Necessities!

   Grizzlies prefer rugged mountains and forests undisturbed by human encroachment. They can be found today in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Alaska, and Canada.

Grizzly bear feeding on salmon   Some of a grizzly's favorite foods include nuts, berries, insects, salmon, carrion and small mammals. The diet of a grizzly varies depending on the season and habitat. Grizzlies in areas of Alaska eat primarily salmon, while grizzlies in high mountain areas eat mostly berries and insects.

   Bears hibernate during the winter, usually digging their own dens with their claws. They will often choose the side of a slope where snow collects, providing good insulation. Grizzlies need to eat a lot in the summer in order to survive through a winter of hibernation. The grizzly defends its breeding territory, and mothers fiercely guard their cubs.