Monarch Bear Film Documentary

Dr. Rodney Karr, Director of the Monarch Bear Institute, between 2002 through 2004 did extensive filming for a documentary film dedicated to California history and the monarch bear. He plans to apply for funding through the Monarch Bear Institute to develop this massive amount of film by editing it into a documentary of the monarch bear. No filming is being done at this time nor is planned for the future (we shall be seeking grants to purchase film equipment, provide post-production funding for the year of filming that we have already completed, as well as funds to pay salaries and costs for future films).

Rodney, the Director

Film crew at the Chateau Tivoli

Filming at Golden Gate Park

Filming at Monarch Bear Grove

The first film, which will be entitled "Honoring the Monarch Bear", will be a one and a half hour film documentary which will introduce the themes which the other films will explore in greater depth. The film will focus upon the interconnectedness and sychronicities of various events, people, and places in Northern California. We will create a film series of at least additional films with the following themes.

  1. The Monarch Bear and Monarch Bear Hill
  2. The Sacred Stones of the Abbey of Santa Maria de Ovila.
  3. The worldwide renaissance of Celtic culture and spirituality has occurred since the begining of the eighteenth century. This will include filming and exploring the eight seasons of the Celtic wheel of the year.
  4. Filming and documenting for future generations important Celtic and nature-wisdom teachers and performers such as Starhawk, R.J. Stewart, Mara Freeman, Caitlin Mathews, John Mathews, Phillip Carr-Gomm, etc.
  5. Interviews with stewards of sacred groves, and film of sacred groves throughout Northern California and elsewhere, exploring the spiritual concept of stewardship and sacrifice for the preservation of the earth.
  6. History and documentation of the development and creation of the National AIDS Memorial Grove in Golden Gate Park. Numerous people from the National AIDS Memorial Grove organization and park gardeners and designers who created the grove have been interviewed in depth in order to document and honor those people who have created and contributed to the development of the National AIDS Memorial Grove from its inception.
  7. Dr. Karr's own story of near-death, inspired-madness, and shamanistic re-birth, which has occurred over the last 12 years with the assistance and teachings of Monarch Bear Grove, the 12th century sacred Stones of the Abbey of Santa Maria de Ovila from Spain, fairie cousins, animal guides, ancestors, and his teacher R.J. Stewart.
  8. History and exposition about Dr. Karr's Jungian shamanic circles and groups, and his unique work. This will include interviews with many long-term (year and a day) members who have participated in the film project, as well as the Jungian shamanic groups. This film will explore ritual, shamanistic journeys, guided journeys, and the connection to the sacred groves.